Milano, 11 dicembre – A fronte di eventi particolarmente tragici della Storia, è sempre accaduto che intellettuali e artisti uscissero dai loro studi e facessero sentire la loro voce per stimolare una presa di coscienza collettiva. Allo scoppio della guerra ucraina, Ferruccio Ascari realizzò NOWAR, un’installazione ambientale che era un grido contro la guerra: oggi riprende quell’opera dedicandola in modo specifico a GAZA e al genocidio che lì si sta consumando. L’artista, consapevole
“From the origins to the destiny” is the new exhibition of Fondazione Golinelli (Golinelli Foundation), curated by Andrea Zanotti, Antonio Danieli, Luca Ciancabilla and Simone Gheduzzi.The exhibiting itinerary is divided in two great sections, that unravel in five legs. The first section will focus on evolutionary civilization views, intended how collective experience, integral sum of all individual lives that cut through our Earth during millions of years. Starting from homo sapiens and during his very slow
On Wednesday 4th December 2024 at 6pm, the Invernizzi’s art A gallery will inaugurate a Niele Toroni’s personal exhibition, one of the main protagonists of international artistic stage that, since 1967, was able to stand out thanks to his intervention personal methodology which provides for repetition of n. 50 brush imprints with 30 cm intermissions from each other. Toroni has always understood painting as a chance to interact with space, without taking it up or imposing himself on it, but tracing and showing possible trajectories through brush imprints progression